It took Fox Mulder two years, eight months, and one week.
Rating: PG-13
Written for and originally posted at xf_pornbattle…Prompt: barstool
Rating: NC-17
Written for and originally posted at xf_pornbattle…Prompt: mine
Rating: NC-17
Here Begins
You can’t remember a time before him, before his scent in your nose, his breath in your ear, and your heart in his hand; you don’t want to….post-XF:IWTB
Rating: R
Out of Practice
The renewal of an imperfect partnership…post-XF:IWTB, so probably best not to read if you haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t want to be spoiled…
Rating: PG
Here In The Dark
If she can believe, he can believe.
Rating: PG
This is it. This is the moment.
Rating: PG
Wine, beer, and no regrets.
Rating: R
The Tangled Up Series
A series of vignettes that explore the complicated progress of a physical
relationship between Mulder and Scully…
Perfectly Flawed
“She needed him, needed his strength, now more than ever as he was the only one who could give her back her own.”
Rating: R
A Second Beginning
“…it was beyond her comprehension how she could’ve ever even considered anything over all she already had.”
Rating: R
In The Clear
“Everyone needs an escape, after all…” — a much-needed break from the angst of life.
Rating: PG-13
Early morning questions and confessions
Rating: PG-13
Future’s Benediction
What if it went a different way?
Rating: PG-13
“The time, finally, was at hand.”
Rating: PG-13
De Novo
“He wanted more than pictures. He needed more. He needed to see it on her for himself.”
Rating: R
In This World
Another chance is lost, but a hope is renewed
Rating: PG-13
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
She opens the bathroom door to see him kicking the heater.
Rating: NC-17
Momentary Deviation
Post-ep for ‘all things’.
Rating: PG-13
Writhing Towards An Unforeseen Divination
“But there was nothing to convince her there was a reason for his death…”
Rating: PG-13
“How long has it been?”
Rating: R
Monday Morning
…that smell of ‘us’…
Rating: NC-17
She could feel him distancing himself from her.
Rating: PG
You have never felt so keenly the absence of your lover until this very night.
Rating: PG-13
Nothing exists but you and her.
Rating: R
Night Ritual
Three isn’t always a crowd.
Rating: NC-17
A moment in time that will last forever.
Rating: NC-17
You’re Love
He is love, her love, but she won’t let herself have him.
Rating: R
Why We Fight
As long as they have each other, there’s hope.
Rating: R
A Chance Meeting
“I could feel the love between them even from where I stood, the abstract emotion suddenly becoming tangible. It was the most awe-inspiring sight I had ever seen, especially right in the middle of a Wal-Mart in New Mexico.”
Rating: PG
Passing Notes
It started out innocently enough…
Rating: NC-17
Careful Where You Stand
Scully is missing Mulder.
Rating: NC-17
Fish Have Feelings, Too
Isn’t love supposed to make everything right?
Rating: PG
I Ache – 155 words
He doesn’t want to leave her.
Rating: PG